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What's Hot?
Miami FTAA Proposal to Evict Business Owner - The Miami Herald -
March 30, 2004
Chalk's Ocean Airways only learned of Miami's proposal to swallow up their
land when a reporter arrived to interview the business owner.
Stealth Invasion
- The New American - April 5, 2004
Working through its consulates in the
United States, the Mexican government is waging a war of subversion against
our nation — with the silent complicity of Washington.
A NAFTA/FTAA Rogues’ Gallery
- The New American - April 5, 2004
A behind-the-scenes look at some of
the key globalist architects and apparatchiks responsible for launching and
promoting NAFTA, FTAA and other "free trade" traps.
"The Nation-State Is Finished"
- The New American - February 23, 2004
Bartley, a closet one-worlder at the WSJ, used his newspaper’s "conservative"
clout to seduce American business leaders into sacrificing U.S. sovereignty for
Bush Notifies Congress He Will Sign CAFTA - Reuters - February 20,
President Bush sent word to Congress that he will sign CAFTA, a regional
agreement with five Central American countries.
U.S., Australia Free-Trade Pact Agreed Upon - The Washington Post -
February 9, 2004
"Free-trade" talks between the U.S. and Australia have resulted in an agreement
which will now go before Congress.
CAFTA" Update - STOP the FTAA - January 29, 2004
President Bush’s game plan is clear. His administration plans to submit a series
of FTAs to Congress in 2004 and 2005. And cap the series by submitting an FTAA
agreement to Congress in early 2005.
Amnesty Proposal Consequences - San Diego Union-Tribune - January 27,
In the three weeks since President Bush proposed the guest worker program, U.S.
Border Patrol is already experiencing a 15% rise in forged documents discovered
at the busiest land border crossing.
Republican Congressmen Take Heat Over Immigration Proposal - The
Washington Times - January 28, 2004
Twenty-three congressmen sent a letter to President Bush indicating that they
are receiving severe opposition to his proposed guest-worker program.
Amnesty and Betrayal - The New American - February 9, 2004
President Bush’s proposed immigration reform package is a
shocking betrayal of our nation’s sovereignty, culture and economy. It must not
be allowed to pass.
The New Wave of Outsourcing - University of California, Berkeley - Fall 2003
According to the Berkeley research, as many as 14 million
service jobs are at risk of outsourcing.
Losing America’s Livelihood
- The New American - January 26, 2004
The U.S. is headed for Third World status unless
we change government policies that are driving U.S. businesses offshore,
destroying jobs and putting entrepreneurs out of business.
Stop President
Bush’s Proposed Overhaul of Immigration Laws - STOP the FTAA - January 8,
President Bush’s amnesty program is a step in an even larger program to hand the
U.S. over to a regional government--the FTAA.
CAFTA and All Other "Free Trade" Agreements! - The John Birch Society
- January 2004
President Bush’s game plan is clear. His administration plans to submit a series
of FTAs to Congress in 2004 and 2005. And cap the series by submitting an FTAA
agreement to Congress in early 2005.
Business - The New American - January 12, 2004
burden of socialist regulations here at home, not corporate greed or even low
foreign wages, is the single most important factor driving U.S. manufacturing
jobs abroad.
Bush Agenda Includes Immigration Changes - Washington Post - December
24, 2003
Bush will kick off his election year with a proposal
that will make it easier for illegal immigrants to gain amnesty and employment
in the U.S.
Expanding Trade Agreements - Federation for American Immigration Reform
- January 7, 2004
Since the 1994 enactment of NAFTA, additional "free trade" agreements have been
adopted opening the door for U.S. jobs to move abroad.
Vanishing U.S. Manufacturing Jobs
- Christian Science Monitor - December 11, 2003
A National Association of Manufacturers report cites 2.8 million manufacturing
jobs that have moved overseas.
Study Reveals External Costs Challenge U.S. Manufacturers - National
Association of Manufacturers - December 9, 2003
External, non-production costs are responsible for adding
approximately 22 percent to unit labor costs of U.S. manufacturers (nearly $5
per hour worked) relative to their major foreign competitors.
Latin America: Sustaining Economic & Political Reform - Council on Foreign
Relations - May 18-19, 2000
Overview of a May 2000 conference held by the Council on
Foreign Relations to build support for a hemispheric government. |

What is the relationship of FTAA to NAFTA?
Erasing Our
Borders - The New American - May 6, 2002
Globalists are maneuvering America into a merger with the
rest of the Western Hemisphere via "free trade" agreements. Their goal, as with
the EU, is regional government. |

Who says that NAFTA and FTAA are more than trade pacts?
One-Hemisphere Under the Fed - The New American - October 11, 1999
The banksters seek the "dollarization" of the Americas as a
means of establishing a single economic authority that will extend from Seattle
to Santiago. |

What is the real purpose of the FTAA?
Why the
Race to the Bottom? - The New American - March 10, 2003
Why does America’s elite support policies that export jobs
and technology, import foreign workers, erode national sovereignty, and destroy
our standard of living?
One-Hemisphere Under the Fed - The New American - October 11, 1999
The banksters seek the "dollarization" of the Americas as a
means of establishing a single economic authority that will extend from Seattle
to Santiago. |

What are the origins of the FTAA?
Welcome Mat
for Terrorists - The New American - December 29, 2003
With Marxist Regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Haiti,
and Communist movements in other Latin American countries, the FTAA poses an
enormous security nightmare.
Strategy Behind the FTAA - The New American - May 21, 2001
Street-level radicals are making it easier for
pinstripe revolutionaries to transform their "free trade" rhetoric into regional
governance — all according to plan.
Tyranny ... Bloc by Bloc - The New American - April 9, 2001
The construction of a world super-state is progressing one
chunk at a time with NAFTA set to become the "European Union" of the Western
Rush, Rockefeller, and GATT - The New
American - January 23, 1995

Welcome Mat
for Terrorists - The New American - December 29, 2003
With Marxist Regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Haiti,
and Communist movements in other Latin American countries, the FTAA poses an
enormous security nightmare.
"Harmonizing" Our Decline - The New American - September 22, 2003
Our standard of living is being deliberately
undermined to merge our nation into a centrally directed global economy.
Why the
Race to the Bottom? - The New American - March 10, 2003
Why does America’s elite support policies
that export jobs and technology, import foreign workers, erode national
sovereignty, and destroy our standard of living?
Deception: Wider & Deeper - The New American - December 2, 2002
The Irish referendum and the drive for a
European constitution show that the Euro-elitists will employ every deception.
U.S. elites are following the EU example with the FTAA.
Erasing Our
Borders - The New American - May 6, 2002
Globalists are maneuvering America into a
merger with the rest of the Western Hemisphere via "free trade" agreements.
Their goal, as with the EU, is regional government.
Strategy Behind the FTAA - The New American - May 21, 2001
Street-level radicals are making it easier for pinstripe
revolutionaries to transform their "free trade" rhetoric into regional
governance — all according to plan.
Tentacles Extend Reach - The New American - June 16, 2003
The Trilateral Commission is on the move,
extending its sovereignty-sapping tentacles far beyond the initial "trilateral"
Mergers on the Road to the Global Total State - JBS Bulletin - April 2002
Independence Forever - JBS Bulletin - July 2001
The "Free
Trade" Road to Tyranny - JBS Bulletin - May 2001
Hemisphere Under the Fed - The New American - October 11, 1999
‘Dollarization’ of the Americas - JBS Bulletin - August 1999
More ‘Free
Trade’ Follies - The New American - January 9, 1995

Extinction - The New American - December 1, 2003
Government policies threaten our jobs, economy and national
security by destroying America’s basic resource industries — mining, forestry,
farming and ranching.
Collapse - The New American - October 6, 2003
The exodus of businesses from California
provides insight into what is happening on a national scale. California’s woes —
high taxes, costly energy, burdensome regulations, and more — are all symptoms
of government run amok. The lesson: Never underestimate the ability of
oppressive government to create a ghost town.
"Harmonizing" Our Decline - The New American - September 22, 2003
Our standard of living is being deliberately
undermined to merge our nation into a centrally directed global economy.
Why the
Race to the Bottom? - The New American - March 10, 2003
Why does America’s elite support policies that export jobs
and technology, import foreign workers, erode national sovereignty, and destroy
our standard of living?
The Man Who
Lit Up the World - The New American - June 30, 2003
Thomas Edison changed the world through his
ability, persistence — and hard work.
Foreign Aid
Follies - The New American - November 19, 2001
America sends billions of taxpayer dollars
overseas in the form of foreign aid. Yet more often than not the money ends up
aiding oppressive regimes and our nation’s enemies.
Subsidies Renewed - The New American - August 30, 1999
Few private companies are dumb enough to
make a deal with a gangster government without guarantees of profit. The few
non-subsidized American exports to China are heavily weighted in
military-related industries such as satellite technology, and have resulted in
threatened U.S. national security.
OPIC's Deep
Pockets - The New American - August 4, 1997
Since 1971, U.S. firms looking to expand
their operations overseas have had a little-known but very wealthy federal
agency assisting them in their efforts.
Corporate Welfare - The New American - March 17, 1997
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation
(OPIC ) is a federal welfare program enabling huge U.S. corporations to pursue
projects in foreign countries that they wouldn't dare touch if they were forced
to use their own money.

Jobs Offshore - The New American - November 3, 2003
The crushing burden of government regulation
plays a key role in the ongoing exodus of American jobs.
U.S. Jobs - The New American - September 22, 2003
An engineered exodus of manufacturing and
hi-tech jobs threatens to abolish the American middle class — the bulwark of a
free society.
Strip-mining the U.S. Economy - The New American - June 2, 2003
Your Job
May Be Next! - The New American - March 10, 2003
Millions of U.S. jobs, as well as thousands
of independent businesses, face extinction under policies that favor importing
cheap labor and exporting production.
for Our Jobs - The New American - March 10, 2003
Letter to
the Editor regarding "Your Job May Be Next" plus Mr. Jasper’s response -
New American - May 5, 2003
Why the
Race to the Bottom? - The New American - March 10, 2003
Why does America’s elite support policies
that export jobs and technology, import foreign workers, erode national
sovereignty, and destroy our standard of living?

Business - The New American - January 12, 2004
burden of socialist regulations here at home, not corporate greed or even low
foreign wages, is the single most important factor driving U.S. manufacturing
jobs abroad.
Collapse - The New American - October 6, 2003
California’s woes — high taxes, costly
energy, burdensome regulations, and more — are all symptoms of government run
U.S. Jobs - The New American - September 22, 2003
An engineered exodus of manufacturing and
hi-tech jobs threatens to abolish the American middle class — the bulwark of a
free society.
‘Harmonizing’ Our Decline - The New American - September 22, 2003
Our standard of living is being deliberately
undermined to merge our nation into a centrally directed global economy.
China’s Economic Impact - The New American - November 18, 2002
Feeding the Red Dragon - The New American - February 15, 1999
Beijing’s Corporate Fascism -
The New American - August 3, 1998
Killing Corporate Welfare - The New American - March 17, 1997
Before the Income Tax - The New American - April 1, 1996
Managing the Marketplace - The New American - April 3, 1995
Want Jobs, Not Talk -
The New American - August 23, 1993
Outsourcing — A Case Study -
The New American - July 28, 2003
A New OSHA Assault - The New American - December 28, 1992
American Jobs - The New American - September 21, 1992
Ushering in the Corporate State
- The New American - September 21, 1992
Exporting American Jobs - The New American - September 21, 1992
Sixty Years of Chains - The New American - September 21, 1992
Arrival of the Corporate State
- The New American - July 2, 1991
Independent Businessmen, an Endangered Species?
- The New American -
November 19, 1990
Destroying Our Independents -
The New American - January 1, 1990
Before the Income Tax - The New American - April 13, 1987
Was there life then, and was it better?
Economic Falsehoods, and the Facts About ... Collapse
- The New American -
October 7, 1985

Trading Away
Jobs and Liberty - The New American - June 30, 2003
Though billed as a boon to the U.S., the
General Agreement on Trade in Services will, in reality, wreak havoc on our
economy, sovereignty, and way of life.

Extinction - The New American - December 1, 2003
Government policies threaten our jobs,
economy and national security by destroying America’s basic resource industries
— mining, forestry, farming and ranching.
Land Lockup - The New American - May 20, 2002
Federal and state agencies are, in essence,
pulling the land right out from under the feet of private property owners as
part of the United Nations’ radical Wildlands Project.

Welcome Mat
for Terrorists - The New American - December 29, 2003
With Marxist Regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Haiti,
and Communist movements in other Latin American countries, the FTAA poses an
enormous security nightmare.
Pulling the
Plug on Fujimori - The New American - December 30, 2002
Globalists operating through the UN and the
U.S. government crashed Peru’s economy and toppled its duly elected government
to advance their new world order.
A Lesson in
Free Enterprise by Taylor Caldwell - The New American - December 30, 2002
A childhood race teaches a valuable lesson
about the difference between free enterprise and socialist "share the wealth"
Stooge in South America - The New American - May 20, 2002
Though ousted by a recent coup, Venezuela’s
Marxist President Hugo Chavez was brought back to power by his goon squads — the
Bolivarian Circles — with a little help from Cuba.
Making the World Safe for Narco-Terrorism
- The New American - May 8, 2000
American foreign policy decisions on Kosovo and Haiti have
aided drug-trafficking narco-states.
A Narco-Vietnam - The New American - April 24, 2000
Like the war in Vietnam, the current quagmire in Colombia
offers up a dangerous mix of Communist revolution and narco-terrorism — in
essence, a meat grinder chewing up innocent lives.
Cuban Drug Connection Covered Up
- The New American - April 24, 2000
Enchained - The New American - September 13, 1999
General Augusto Pinochet, former President
of Chile, is being persecuted for his successful stand against Communism
Revolution in America - The New American - February 19, 1996
There's more behind the immigration problem than illegal

Amnesty and Betrayal - The New American
President Bush’s proposed immigration reform package is a
shocking betrayal of our nation’s sovereignty, culture and economy. It must not
be allowed to pass.
Bush’s Coming Amnesty Plan
- The New American - January 12, 2004
The Bush administration’s plan to give amnesty to
millions of illegal aliens would prove to be an even bigger disaster than
previous amnesties.
Lawlessness - The New American -
November 3, 2003
While it tends to the security of Iraq’s borders, the Bush
administration is collaborating with subversive groups to undermine our own.
Immigration Conspiracy - JBS Bulletin - October 2003
The primary obstacle the Insiders face in building their new
world order is an independent, uncontrollable United States of America.
"Harmonizing" Our Decline - The New American -
September 22, 2003
Our standard of living is being undermined to merge us into
a global economy.
on Insanity - The New American - July 28, 2003
Republicans and Democrats alike support immigration policies
giving thugs and terrorists easy U.S. access.
Terrorism - The New American - April 7, 2003
The U.S. government has thrown open our borders to potential
Iraqi terrorists disguised as refugees.
"Friend" to the South - The New American - December 16, 2002
Even as it seals off its own southern border, the Mexican
government seeks the UN’s help in tearing down its border with the United
The Border
War - The New American - July 1, 2002
Mexico is quietly waging war on our southern
border with the complicity of elements in our government who seek to meld the
nations of this hemisphere into a regional superstate.
Civilians to Military Power - The New American - May 20, 2002
Using soldiers for Border Patrol duties would
set a precedent that could justify future circumvention of Posse Comitatus
Aztlan and
Amalgamation - The New American - May 6, 2002
The Mexican government, radical Chicano
separatists, and even the Bush administration are all seeking to open the
U.S.-Mexican border.
Erasing Our
Borders - The New American - May 6, 2002
Globalists are maneuvering America into a merger with the
rest of the Western Hemisphere via "free trade" agreements. Their goal, as with
the EU, is regional government.
Our Borders - The New American - October 8, 2001
Amnesty for illegal Mexican immigrants is only
part of larger drive to erase the U.S.-Mexican border and to create a regional
power bloc in this hemisphere à la the European Union.
Cross-Border Meddling - The New American - October 8, 2001
Strategy Behind the FTAA - The New American - May 21, 2001
Street-level radicals are making it easier for
pinstripe revolutionaries to transform their "free trade" rhetoric into regional
governance — all according to plan.
Ron Unz’s
Alien Initiative
- The New American - April 27, 1998
Conservative voters in California are being
duped into supporting an initiative benefiting illegal aliens
Race and
- The New American - August 19, 1996
Revolutionaries of all colors are playing the
"race card" to cultivate conflict throughout the nation
Six Great
- The New American
- February 19, 1996
Some of America's most exemplary citizens have
been transplants from other lands
Citizenship: Sharing in Our Great Heritage - The New American
- February 19, 1996
in America - The New American - February 19, 1996
A radical shift in policy has converted a
controlled flow of immigrants that strengthened America into a flood that
threatens to destroy her
Within the Gates
- The New American - February 19, 1996
A fifth column of alien subversives is becoming a growing
threat to our national security
Mafia: Organized Crime is Big Business for the KGB - The New
American - February 19, 1996
in America - The New American - February 19, 1996
There's more behind the immigration problem
than illegal aliens
Fights the Alien Invasion
- The New American - November 13, 1995
Leftist bureaucrats at the Civil Rights Commission have
employed Gestapo tactics to halt the efforts of Florida citizens to stem the
flood of illegal immigrants. |

"Harmonizing" Our Decline - The New American - September 22, 2003
Our standard of living is being deliberately
undermined to merge our nation into a centrally directed global economy.
for Planetary Control - The New American - September 23, 2002
The Earth Summit’s Agenda 21 and other radical proposals —
supposedly intended to save "Mother Earth" — will bring untold human suffering
and ecological damage.
The Middle
Class Must Not Fail by Taylor Caldwell - The New American - May 1, 1995

Deception: Wider & Deeper - The New American - December 6, 2002
The Irish referendum and the drive for a European
constitution show that the Euro-elitists will employ every deception. U.S.
elites are following the EU example with the FTAA.
Superstate in the Making - The New American - May 6, 2002
Over the course of half a century, the architects of the
European Union’s various incarnations have lied to conceal their true goal of a
socialist regional superstate.
Erasing Our
Borders - The New American - May 6, 2002
Globalists are maneuvering America into a merger with the
rest of the Western Hemisphere via "free trade" agreements. Their goal, as with
the EU, is regional government.
What the EU
Can Teach America - The New American - January 28, 2002
Americans must learn from the plight of Europeans who are
losing freedom because they believed economic gains were the only goal of each
new attack on sovereignty.
Tyranny … Bloc by Bloc - The New American - April 9, 2001
The construction of a world super-state is
progressing one chunk at a time with NAFTA set to become the "European Union" of
the Western Hemisphere.
Globalism’s Growing Grasp - The New American - February 28, 2000
The cause of world government is coming out
of the closet and into the open. But behind the mask of a benign new world order
lies the true face of tyranny.
One-Hemisphere Under the Fed - The New American - October 11, 1999
The Perfect Cover
- August 13, 1991 - The New American
United States of Europe
- April 10, 1989 - The New American

Trading Away
Jobs and Liberty - The New American - June 30, 2003
Though billed as a boon to the U.S., the
General Agreement on Trade in Services will, in reality, wreak havoc on our
economy, sovereignty, and way of life.
Anarchy - The New American - June 19, 2000
Street-level revolutionaries, such as those
protesting the World Bank, IMF, and WTO, are merely puppets whose strings are
being pulled by the real revolutionaries behind the scenes.
Managing the Marketplace - The New American - April 3, 1995
Rush, Rockefeller, and GATT - The New American - January 23, 1995
More "Free Trade" Follies - The New American - January 9, 1995
World Trade Oppression - The New American - September 5, 1994
The Perfect Cover - The New American -
August 13, 1991

Government by Design - The New American - February 25, 2002
America’s subservience to the United Nations and
transformation into the world’s policeman is not accidental but is part of a
grand design to establish world government.
Tentacles Extend Reach - The New American - June 16, 2003
The Trilateral Commission is on the move, extending its
sovereignty-sapping tentacles far beyond the initial "trilateral" regions.
Hemisphere Under the Fed - The New American - October 11, 2003
by Taylor Caldwell - The New American - October 6, 2003
This is the true story of a once great
nation, referred to here as "Honoria." The actual identity of the nation — and
the lessons we can learn from it — will become apparent.
"Harmonizing" Our Decline - The New American - September 22, 2003
Our standard of living is being deliberately
undermined to merge our nation into a centrally directed global economy.
Gorbachev Charm Offensive - The New American - September 22, 2003
The former Soviet dictator once again brings
his ongoing socialist, world government campaign to America’s heartland.
Why the Race to the Bottom? - The New American - March 10, 2003
Why does America’s elite support policies
that export jobs and technology, import foreign workers, erode national
sovereignty, and destroy our standard of living?
Globalization’s False Opposition - The New American - May 20, 2002
A coalition of radical subversives led by
the Communist Party is spearheading a deceptive campaign to empower the UN and
its global institutions.
The Power
Behind the Presidency - The New American - August 13, 2000
For decades, America’s presidents have been
under the sway of the internationalist Council on Foreign Relations, and George
W. Bush is no exception to the rule.
Member Behind Every Bush - The New American - August 13, 2000
The following Bush administration appointees or nominees
are current or former members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Many
nominations have yet to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Growing Grasp - The New American - February 28, 2000
The cause of world government is coming out
of the closet and into the open. But behind the mask of a benign new world order
lies the true face of tyranny.
See also

The Border
War - The New American - July 1, 2002
Mexico is quietly waging war on our southern
border with the complicity of elements in our government who seek to meld the
nations of this hemisphere into a regional superstate.
Making the
World Safe for Narco-Terrorism - The New American - May 8, 2000
American foreign policy decisions on Kosovo and Haiti have
aided drug-trafficking narco-states.
A Narco-Vietnam
- The New American - April 24, 2000
Like the war in Vietnam, the current quagmire in Colombia
offers up a dangerous mix of Communist revolution and narco-terrorism — in
essence, a meat grinder chewing up innocent lives.
Drugs and
Dollars - The New American - April 10, 2000
The real forces behind the drive to establish the U.S.
dollar as the currency of the Americas include illegal drug trafficking and
money laundering for organized crime.
Drug War on
the West - The New American - April 10, 2000
An undeclared war is being waged against the United States
in the form of a long-range, sustained drug offensive by Red China and Russia.
Why do U.S. officials suppress this information?
Door to Anarchy - The New American - October 27, 1997
Invasion - The New American - September 1, 1997

The FTAA’s
Controlled Opposition - The New American - December 15, 2003
The rent-a-mob that descended on Miami provided a familiar
service: scaring away responsible opponents and further justifying the police
state build-up.
Trading Away
Jobs and Liberty - The New American - June 30, 2003
Though billed as a boon to the U.S., the General Agreement
on Trade in Services will, in reality, wreak havoc on our economy, sovereignty,
and way of life.
Globalization’s False Opposition - The New American - May 20, 2002
A coalition of radical subversives led by the Communist
Party is spearheading a deceptive campaign to empower the UN and its global
Strategy Behind the FTAA - The New American - May 21, 2001
Street-level radicals are making it easier for pinstripe revolutionaries to
transform their “free trade” rhetoric into regional governance — all according
to plan.
Anarchy - The New American - June 19, 2000
Street-level revolutionaries, such as those
protesting the World Bank, IMF, and WTO, are merely puppets whose strings are
being pulled by the real revolutionaries behind the scenes.

Deception: Wider & Deeper - The New American - December 6, 2002
The Irish referendum and the drive for a European
constitution show that the Euro-elitists will employ every deception. U.S.
elites are following the EU example with the FTAA.
Strategy Behind the FTAA - The New American - May 21, 2001
Street-level radicals are making it easier for pinstripe
revolutionaries to transform their "free trade" rhetoric into regional
governance — all according to plan.
Superstate in the Making - The New American - May 6, 2002
Over the course of half a century, the architects of the
European Union’s various incarnations have lied to conceal their true goal of a
socialist regional superstate.
Erasing Our
Borders - The New American - May 6, 2002
Globalists are maneuvering America into a
merger with the rest of the Western Hemisphere via "free trade" agreements.
Their goal, as with the EU, is regional government.
Tyranny … Bloc by Bloc - The New American - April 9, 2001
The construction of a world super-state is
progressing one chunk at a time with NAFTA set to become the "European Union" of
the Western Hemisphere.
Rush, Rockefeller, and GATT - The New American - January
23, 1995
More "Free Trade" Follies - The New American - January 9,
American Jobs - The New American - September 21, 1992
The Perfect
Cover - The New American - August 13, 1991
States of Europe - The New American - April 10, 1989
In The
Hemisphere - American Opinion - December 1966
EVERY TIME the Big Brains in Washington perceive that their
Latin American policies are collapsing, they look around frantically for a new
gimmick. By bringing on ever newer shows, they hope to distract the public mind
from the failure of their last economic or political monstrosity.