William Norman GriggWilliam Norman Grigg, Senior Editor of The New American magazine, was born and raised in Idaho, and educated at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho), Utah State University, and the National Journalism Center in Washington, D.C. He is the author of four books: The Gospel of Revolt: Feminism vs. The Family (1993), Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade against God and Family (1995), Global Gun Grab: The United Nations Campaign to Disarm Americans (2001), and Americas Engineered Decline (2004). An award-winning columnist and investigative reporter, Mr. Grigg has also written, produced, and/or been featured in numerous video documentaries, including Tragedy by Design (1997), Injustice For All: The International Criminal Court (1998), Rise of the Robber State (1999), Civilian Disarmament: Prelude to Tyranny (2000), The UN Deception (2001), Behind the Big News (2003), and In the Name of Prosperity: The Free Trade Area of the Americas (2004). To request Mr. Grigg for an interview or speaking engagement, please complete our Speaker Request Form. |