Economic Decline

William F. Jasper examines the policies responsible for the decline of
America's basic industries and the outsourcing of high-paying jobs. He then
discusses what must be done to protect our economic base and national
independence. (2004 JBS Tapes, 59 min.)
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Hear a sample of the pro-FTAA line

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Donald L. Evans addresses a gathering at
the November 2003 Miami Summit of the Americas. His talk describes the
economic and political benefits to flow from an FTAA agreement en route
to a “unified hemisphere.” References to free markets, increased
competition, greater democracy and freedom, improved property rights
leading to increased prosperity for all are designed to доставка вегетарианской еды Москва appeal to most
ears, particularly the conservative majority in America.
Editor’s comment: The pro-FTAA vision of free trade is merely
deceptive bait for an audacious political power grab. Incredibly, even
the bait is phony. Yes, freedom and property rights are the foundations
of genuine prosperity. But what the FTAA offers is just the opposite:
massive government regulation of virtually every aspect of human
endeavor; and international socialism—the
determined enemy of freedom and private property.
Prosperity does not flow from government programs. Nor does
redistribution of America’s wealth through international lending
agencies indicate respect for the rights of private property. Instead,
such socialist attitudes support the rising burden of government that is
killing American industry and driving our manufacturing abroad. In
addition, FTAA sponsors quietly entice corporations to invest in nations
otherwise hostile to private capital. They do so by instituting
government-funded development programs (wealth transfers) and government
investment insurance (backed by the American taxpayer).
The FTAA will not advance freedom, it threatens freedom. The FTAA is
not win-win for the rich and poor nations of this hemisphere. Except for
an elite few, all the peoples will ultimately lose.
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