The Immigration Conspiracy
By G. Vance Smith
The John Birch Society Bulletin, October 2003
Stop the FTAA!

The primary obstacle the Insiders face in building their new world order is an independent, uncontrollable United States of America. The need to eliminate this obstacle undoubtedly explains much of their agenda.

For the first time since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, several Republicans in Congress are pushing broad legislation that would regulate the flow of foreign workers into the country and potentially legalize millions of illegal employees....

— New York Times, August 4, 2003

As members of The John Birch Society are well aware, the independence of the United States is under constant attack through our membership in the United Nations. But eroding the sovereignty of independent nations to the point where they can be merged directly into a global government is a slow process. So the Insiders have also been working to accelerate the destruction of national sovereignty by entangling independent nation states in regional governments, such as the European Union, that they can more easily control. These regional alliances can then readily be merged into a global government. The proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas is the regional trap targeting American sovereignty.

Target: The American Middle Class

But the layer of strength that ultimately makes America so difficult for the Insiders to control is its vibrant middle class. That’s why revolutionary movements target the middle class for extinction. A regime cannot consolidate total power while there is a substantial class of citizens who do not depend on its favors for their welfare (livelihood, food, housing, medical care, travel, etc.) and who, moreover, have at their disposal substantial independent resources to mobilize resistance to tyranny.

The Insiders have targeted the American middle class for extinction in several ways. We have focussed our agenda and our attention in recent months on the attack on livelihoods. But there is another parallel attack on the American middle class — the massive immigration invasion.

We certainly favor traditional immigration. America is correctly described as a nation of immigrants, and we have drawn much strength from our immigrant roots. What must be opposed is massive immigration — legal and illegal — that threatens to overwhelm and alter the very features that have given America its unique character. We are talking about the distinctive qualities and principles of our culture that have provided Americans with unprecedented freedom and opportunities for upward mobility and for passing on their improved fortune to succeeding generations. We want to preserve the qualities, such as true American generosity, that serve as positive examples to the rest of the world. But normal immigration has as little to do with the conspiratorial drive to open up our borders as giving a thirsty man a drink has to do with drowning him in a swimming pool.

The dangers of massive, unrestrained immigration are easily perceived in the most heavily affected communities. First, there is the economic drain on the middle class resulting from government-mandated welfare for unsponsored, impoverished immigrants.

Another obvious danger is population fragmentation and replacement through invasion. The mere numbers of immigrants defy assimilation into the American culture. More than a decade ago, Time magazine dubbed California our first “Third World state.” Today, Los Angeles more closely resembles Mexico City, Saigon, or Calcutta than any American city. Even a common national language for communication is in jeopardy. California recently printed sample ballots in seven languages. Of course, this uncontrolled invasion offers increased opportunities for infiltration by terrorists, criminals, and revolutionaries hostile to America.

While many Americans recognize the negative impacts of uncontrolled immigration, few understand the hidden forces and agendas driving the assault on our borders. And because the real agendas are not understood, concerned but wishful-thinking Americans accept phony solutions and excuses from politicians.

Amnesty Locomotive Picks Up Steam

In 2001, George W. Bush and Mexico’s Vicente Fox embraced plans to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and make it much easier for job seekers to migrate north and gain the full benefits of American citizenship. But these plans were put on hold following the terrorist attacks of 9-11. Two years later, these plans are moving forward again:

> On July 25th, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Representatives Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) introduced their companion guest-worker amnesty bills. The New York Times published the assessment of Representative Tom Tancredo, a leading opponent of such legislation: “It’s really amnesty on the installment plan.... They are even more ambitious in their amnesty proposal than some of the Democrats I’ve seen.”

> On August 11th, President Bush visited Arizona. According to the Tucson Citizen, “President Bush delivered good news to Arizona’s congressional delegation on his brief visit to Tucson Monday. He said he wants to cooperate on a guest-worker bill making its way through Congress.”

> On August 8th, CQ [Congressional Quarterly] Today reported that “Immigration rights advocates are counting on a bipartisan group of lawmakers, led in the Senate by Judiciary Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, to push legislation through Congress that would make it easier for some illegal immigrants to become lawful permanent residents.”

> But the Democrats were not to be outdone. On September 4th, eight contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination convened in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for a debate targeted at Hispanic voters. According to the Washington Times, all eight contenders “embraced amnesty for illegal aliens now in the United States, pushing the issue onto the national stage for the presidential contest.”

> The agitation for such measures is also being cranked up. The September 6th Los Angeles Times reports that “labor unions, which are seeking new members from the ranks of Latino hospital workers and janitors, are organizing a national bus caravan that would travel to Washington this month to build support for immigration reform. Buses, participating in the ‘Immigration Workers Freedom Ride,’ will stop in some 80 cities before arriving … Oct. 1. Riders will head to Capitol Hill to lobby members of Congress.”

If previous demonstrations in Washington, such as the Million Mom March, are any guide, the impact on Congress will come from the propaganda value, as the Establishment-controlled media seizes the opportunity to hype this orchestrated pressure from below as evidence of a genuine outpouring of demand for legislative “reform.”

Our purpose here is to examine the deceptions that will be driving the amnesty locomotive. Of course, we would like to derail it. But we have targeted another locomotive as well. As with our earlier focus on jobs, our goal is to help members recruit Americans concerned about either or both of these assaults (livelihoods/jobs and massive uncontrolled immigration) into a force that can stop another huge but related assault — David Rockefeller’s Free Trade Area of the Americas. There is tremendous urgency regarding this task since the Insiders are serious about their timetable to implement the FTAA in 2005.

Only Through Deceptions

Insider plans to eradicate the American middle class necessarily include a multitude of deceptions. Edmund Burke recognized that “the people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.” The same can surely be said of public acceptance of plans that will destroy our middle class and place Americans at the mercy of a socialist, anti-American bureaucracy.

Proponents of the FTAA describe it as a “broadening and deepening of NAFTA.” “Broadening” means that officials from all of the nations in the Western Hemisphere, not just from the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, will create regulations to which Americans must submit. Well, not officials from all nations. The proponents do have standards: Cuba is not invited. But other socialist governments over which Castro has great influence will be accommodated — including the Chavez government of Venezuela (also friendly to Red China), the extreme leftist da Silva government of Brazil, and the Cuban-backed Sandanistas of Nicaragua.

“Deepening” means that the FTAA will claim jurisdiction over ever-expanding functions that have previously been the province of national, state, and local governments or properly off limits under the American system to government at any level. As William F. Jasper has pointed out: “The NAFTA/FTAA plan calls for an entire hemispheric regime of regulations to ‘harmonize’ business, industry, labor, agriculture, transportation, immigration, education, taxation, environment, health, trade, defense, criminal justice, and other matters of policy and law ‘from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.’”

Imagine: Decisions governing what happens in our American house are to be made by a collection of Insider-controlled, anti-American bureaucrats from revolutionary socialist governments in this hemisphere. There should be little doubt as to what these bureaucrats will decide once they have free license to reach into the pockets of middle-class Americans. Those Americans who appreciate the lessons of history should recognize in these proposals a far worse type of taxation without representation than the tyranny of King George.

Deception Numero Uno

The number one deception that supports all of the others is the cover-up of the evidence of a Conspiracy working to enslave us in a global tyranny. The Insiders generally reveal their subversive plans only in small steps as was done in the case of deceptions that allowed the creation of the European Union. The real objectives of these small steps are concealed amidst claims that they will solve problems or are necessary to confront inevitable trends. And the internationalist schemers conceal their role as they orchestrate pressure from above and below to drive subversive measures through Congress.

It is particularly important for the Insiders to hide the grip of this Conspiracy on our federal government and both major political parties (at the national level). In this way, Americans can be kept confused and asleep, as they misplace their trust in politicians who pretend to be looking out for their interests. The Conspiracy cannot afford to have any substantial number of Americans organize to confront its agenda (such as by joining The John Birch Society). It wants Americans to remain uninformed, uninvolved, and willing to rely on the empty, even deceitful, promises of politicians.

A prime illustration of the phoniness of the political party wrestling match is the drive for the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Three days before the 2001 Summit of the Americas in Quebec, a newly inaugurated President Bush affirmed his support for the Quebec agenda: “[The FTAA] will make our hemisphere the largest free-trade area in the world, encompassing 34 countries and 800 million people,” George W. declared.

But the drive for an FTAA started long before George W. Bush occupied the White House. Plans for an FTAA were launched publicly in 1994 at the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida. The Summit was hosted by President Clinton, who also openly embraced the FTAA. When President Bush endorsed the 2005 timetable for the FTAA, he was merely renewing a pledge that his predecessor, Bill Clinton, had made in 1994.

But it would also be a mistake to credit our playboy former president with the leadership for creating an FTAA. In fact, the roots of the FTAA plans were put in place decades earlier by Insider architects who developed strategies and established organizations to build a network of Insider allies in Latin America — organizations such as David Rockefeller’s Council for the Americas.

As William Jasper noted following the Miami event, “the Summit of the Americas and the FTAA were conceived, nurtured, and brought to fruition by the Council of the Americas (David Rockefeller, founder and honorary chairman), the Americas Society (David Rockefeller, chairman), the Forum of the Americas (David Rockefeller, founder), the U.S. Council of the Mexico-U.S. Business Committee (Rodman C. Rockefeller, chairman), the Council on Foreign Relations (David Rockefeller, former chairman), the Trilateral Commission (David Rockefeller, founder and honorary chairman), the Chase Manhattan Bank (David Rockefeller, former chairman), and the Institute for International Economics (David Rockefeller, financial backer and board member).”

Veteran JBS members will recall that David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger both openly championed NAFTA. In the process, both revealed that NAFTA was much more than a trade pact. Kissinger claimed that passing NAFTA “will represent the most creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries since the end of the Cold War....” NAFTA “is not a conventional trade agreement,” he said, “but the architecture of a new international system.”

The 1994 Miami conference to launch the globalist drive for an FTAA followed closely on the heels of congressional approval of NAFTA. Mack McLarty, President Clinton’s chief of staff, offered this revealing comment about the Miami Summit: “[T]his summit is much broader than [lowering tariffs], and that’s how it should be looked at. This is not a trade summit, it is an overall summit. It will focus on economic integration and convergence.” Of course, the terms integration and convergence pass over the heads of most Americans. And few Americans noticed when Mr. McLarty subsequently moved on to a partnership with Henry Kissinger (former Secretary of State under Republican Richard Nixon).

Immigration Deceptions

Polls repeatedly show that the American people want our government to regain control of our borders (a legitimate federal responsibility) and enforce immigration laws. But the public’s political will is consistently frustrated and the Insider agenda continues to move forward. The reason — deception.

One of the classic deceptions is the strategy of revolutionary parliamentarianism — hidden orchestration of political pressure from below to support pressure from above to drive radical measures through the legislature. And the drive to open our borders to unrestricted immigration provides a textbook example of this strategy at work.

Over several decades, our publications have documented the fact that Establishment foundations, most notably the Ford Foundation, created the radical Latino movement and continue to fund it. For example, La Raza Unida, a violent Hispanic organization, was founded with a $630,000 Ford Foundation grant. In 1970, the California Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities said this about La Raza Unida: “Its president is Maclovio Barraza. Mr. Barraza has been identified by the Subversive Activities Control Board as a member of the Communist Party, and presides over the Council which recently received a grant of $1,300,000 from the Ford Foundation.”

Leaders of the Establishment Foundations cannot claim ignorance about the aims of the radical organizations they have launched, since they often share board members. Organizers of the radical Latino movement support the reconquest through immigration of that portion of the United States obtained from Mexico through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

How can that be, most Americans would wonder? Why would America’s political Establishment support a movement that is working toward the alienation of a substantial portion of the United States? The answer to that puzzle becomes clear when one realizes the depths to which the Insiders will sink in order to build their new world order. That order, as we noted at the outset, requires the elimination of an independent, uncontrollable United States. Splitting off huge sections of the United States under different cultures and legal systems — Balkanization — certainly advances those aims. Even in the intermediate stages, such massive migration serves to undermine a viable, unified middle-class voice that can oppose Insider plans.

The Establishment has also advanced the radical immigration agenda by funding lawyer organizations such as the ACLU and the National Lawyers Guild. Lawyers from these organizations are at the forefront of the challenges to our immigration laws, making it extremely difficult to police our borders and to deport illegal immigrants.

Undeniably, our socialist welfare system provides a strong magnet for those fleeing intolerable conditions elsewhere and crossing our borders illegally to seek a better life. But there are limits to the ability of the American middle class to support the third world on welfare. Financially strapped Californians finally had enough and in 1994 overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which would have curtailed expensive government services — health care, welfare, and education benefits — for illegal aliens and their children. This sensible step was immediately challenged in the courts by the ACLU and attorneys from radical groups such as MALDEF (the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund). These legal challenges successfully prevented the implementation of Proposition 187. What better way to impoverish the American middle class than to force it to support an increasing portion of the third world on welfare?

The pressure from above is also orchestrated. Revolutionary strategists recognize that few observers will suspect the orchestration behind a phony consensus of apparently independent voices all demanding the same revolutionary steps. For example, in Madrid, Spain, last year, Vicente Fox was amazingly candid in explaining his agenda: “Eventually our long-range objective is to establish with the United States, but also with Canada, our other regional partner, an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union....” To accomplish this, continued Fox, it will be necessary to defeat “what I dare to call the Anglo-Saxon prejudice against the establishment of supra-national organizations.”

Similarly, to our north, the government of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has called for a “public debate on economic and social union” among the three NAFTA nations. An adviser to Chretien was scheduled last year to take a Canadian task force to Europe “to investigate how the nations in the European Union have coped with the end of borders for the European market, and the implications for policing, immigration and social policies.”

And certainly President Bush contributes his part. “Whatever else George W. Bush does, or doesn’t do, he has earned a place in history as the first American president … to view the land between Canada and Guatemala as one,” stated a writer in the Establishment-dominated Newsweek in late 2001.

Creating Despair

Another significant deception is the actual objective of U.S. foreign policy. For decades, rather than seriously opposing Communism and socialism, U.S. policies have consistently done just the opposite. Our aid has propped up the tyrannies and socialist regimes that have created despair among our southern neighbors (and third-world nations in Asia) and caused so many to want to flee their lands and come to the U.S.A. As veteran members are well aware, our State Department helped Fidel Castro to power in Cuba. Our government and Establishment media continue to look the other way as Castro uses his island base to spread Communist revolution throughout Latin America. Attendees at UN conferences plainly see how Fidel Castro is worshiped by many of the leaders to the south.

Another important point to keep in mind is that the leaders of the radical Latino movements are not genuinely interested in the welfare of Latin Americans. Many of these leaders have Communist backgrounds. Their agenda is revolution, which requires them to foment unrest and despair. They cynically exploit the plight of Mexicans, just as Communist leaders in the Civil Rights movement sought to manipulate Black Americans into serving as cannon fodder in creating civil turmoil and demanding a separate Negro Republic. Most illegal immigrants really are looking for jobs. But radical leaders are not interested in seeing these potential revolutionary cadres better themselves and assimilate into the American system. Following the overwhelming passage of California’s Prop. 187, Latino agitators expressed dismay that many Latin-American immigrants had supported this effort to curb the oppressive, growing welfare burden from illegal immigration. Were it not for the foundation-funded agitators, the massive number of immigrants to date would eventually assimilate.

The Insider Agenda Dominates

The common perception that there is a significant difference between the leaders of the Republican and Democrat Parties with respect to immigration is a carefully crafted illusion. The leaders of both parties are carrying out the Insider agenda and have been doing so for decades. Those who staff leadership positions in Republican and Democrat administrations are chosen because they will harmonize with that agenda. Nevertheless, the fiction of a division serves several purposes. Particularly, it allows the Republican leader to posture as a conservative and keep that constituency pacified. And liberal Democrat leaders are cast as favoring massive immigration merely as a cynical means for building a loyal political constituency. While the opportunity to “play the Latin card” undoubtedly does supply motivation for some politicians, the real threat is from those politicians beholden to the Insider agenda.

Mobilizing radicals to attack the Republican leader for his supposed resistance to the Insider agenda is an age-old, but effective tactic. It convinces conservative supporters that “their” man is really doing his best, under the circumstances, to look out for their interests. We are constantly challenged by the willingness of so many conservatives to accept political betrayal. As college revolutionary leader James Kunen confirmed, powerful financial leaders secretly urge radical commotion so that politicians can look more in the center as they move to the left.

Manufactured Protective Cover

As an example of boosting Mr. Bush’s independent, conservative credentials, consider the September 6th Los Angeles Times. The Times acknowledges that “both Republicans and Democrats have proposed creating guest-worker programs and granting legal status to undocumented workers already in the United States.” The Times supports the assessment of an analyst from Washington’s Georgetown University: “I see it [lowering the barrier to immigrants] as a difficult thing to push through. You have to have all the players in the right place at the right time.” But, according to the Times, “President Bush is the player who is not yet in place — although he and Mexican President Vicente Fox were on the verge of a breakthrough two years ago on a package that would have combined an expanded guest-worker program with amnesty for undocumented workers.” To reenforce its position, the Times quotes a representative of the National Council of La Raza: “The major person missing is Bush.”

The Times also reveals the changed propaganda of the amnesty advocates: “Previously, amnesty proponents based their case on equity issues.... Now, security has become the most commonly cited justification for amnesty.” The idea that any of these proposals will contribute to national security is an insult to the public’s intelligence. But this cynical “say whatever is necessary to pass your bill no matter how disingenuous” attitude common to many politicians doesn’t stop there: “The term ‘amnesty’ itself has all but disappeared from the debate. McCain calls his plan a visa program. And [Edward] Kennedy staffers, outlining a bill the senator intends to introduce soon, speak of ‘earned legalization.’”

The unwillingness of proponents to use the term amnesty points to public recognition that previous amnesty bills have failed to solve the problems promised by their proponents. In the process of granting legal status to those who violated our borders, amnesty encourages more such violation. And the conspirators certainly count on the multiplying impact of chain migration, as an ever-expanding family circle is granted visas and then citizenship. Knowledgeable experts have estimated that the latest round of “amnesty” proposals, if approved, may generate as many as 50 million new residents.

However the politicians decide to call their bills, the “Immigration Reform” agenda advances the “open borders” agenda of the Insiders and the undermining of the American middle class. And so does the Bush-supported FTAA. In fact, the FTAA would eventually abolish all immigration by creating open borders as in the EU. Henceforth there would only be migration — as when Americans move between states.

What Is the Solution?

The reality is that the Insiders cannot be stopped until we build a force of dedicated Americans who recognize the significant deceptions and are willing to work to insist on policies that preserve America. We must create that understanding and recruit patriotic Americans into the JBS at the same time. Without that growing force and the understanding it can create, the Insiders will have little reason to slow their agenda, little reason to fear the rousing of the sleeping giant of uninformed American opinion.

Preventing the implementation of David Rockefeller’s Free Trade Area of the Americas absolutely will require that many more Americans who understand the threat work together. We can recruit those Americans by approaching people who see the problem in the symptoms of manufacturing flight, loss of jobs, or the immigration invasion. We must get their attention by first addressing those concerns.

Among those concerned Americans, we can build the necessary following. But only by providing leadership that exposes the subversive policies, forces, and deceptions. Without that understanding, our friends and neighbors will see little reason to accept JBS leadership. And they will continue to be deceived into embracing solutions offered by the very forces that created the problems in the first place.

In summary, let’s remember the words Mr. Welch used at the close of our founding meeting: “All we must find and build and use, to win, is sufficient understanding. Let’s create that understanding and build that resistance, with everything mortal men can put into the effort — while there still is time.”

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