behind-the-scenes look at some of the key globalist architects and
apparatchiks responsible for launching and promoting NAFTA, FTAA and
other �free trade� traps.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect on January
1, 1994, amid great hoopla and promises that it would bring a
continuous wave of progress and prosperity to all three nations
involved: Mexico, Canada and the United States. Although some U.S.
businesses have indeed benefited from the new arrangement, many others
have not. Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs, especially in
manufacturing, have fled the U.S. for Mexico, China and elsewhere. Many
critical skills, technologies and production plants have disappeared
from America�s economic landscape.
Another major promise of the �Free Trade� advocates was that once NAFTA
went into effect, Mexico would experience dynamic economic growth and,
as a result, there would be little or no incentive for Mexicans to move
to the U.S. The decades-long massive influx of illegal aliens would
end. Unfortunately, that has not been the case; over the past 10 years,
the deluge of illegal migrants has grown steadily worse.
Far more serious than NAFTA�s economic and immigration consequences,
however, is the dangerous threat it presents to our national
sovereignty. As we pointed out during the ratification debate, if NAFTA
were truly about freeing up trade, the agreement wouldn�t have required
2,000 pages of legalese establishing dozens of governing councils,
committees, commissions, working groups and tribunals concerned not
only with trade but also with environmental and labor standards, as
well as other matters. Now, the same forces that designed and promoted
NAFTA are insisting that it must be �broadened� and �deepened� under
the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). By �broadened�
they mean that NAFTA must be expanded geographically to include all 34
nations of the Western Hemisphere, with the exception (for now) of
Communist Cuba. And by �deepened� they mean that NAFTA must be
strengthened politically to allow for hemispheric governance and
regulation on matters of education, health care, immigration, security,
population, unemployment, agriculture, workplace safety,
transportation, energy � virtually every area that is now under the
sovereign jurisdiction of the nation-state and its political
In 1992 and 1993, the campaign to pass NAFTA built to a heated
crescendo. However, few American citizens � on either side of the NAFTA
debate � realized that the whole process had been put in motion decades
before and systematically built into a seemingly unstoppable force.
Although Presidents George Bush (the elder) and Bill Clinton were the
most visible figures associated with the campaign for NAFTA, they were
merely fronting for much more powerful forces operating behind the
Regular readers of THE NEW AMERICAN are very familiar with the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC), two of
the premier organizations dedicated to undermining the U.S.
Constitution and submerging the United States in a global government.
Leaders and members of these two pillars of the Establishment have
provided the critical economic and political impetus for NAFTA and the
In addition, there are several organizations focused specifically on
Latin America that have provided essential support for the effort to
merge the countries of the Western Hemisphere. The most important
groups in this category include the Council of the Americas (COA), the
Americas Society, and the Inter-American Dialogue (IAD). These
organizations, founded by David Rockefeller and dominated by CFR and TC
members, have, over the course of the past three decades, drawn many
business, political, media and academic leaders in the U.S. and Latin
America into the globalist camp. The influence of these groups is
immensely enhanced by their close association with central banks, major
private U.S. banks, and multilateral lending institutions such as the
World Bank, IMF, and Inter-American Development Bank. (These banking
institutions are also dominated by CFR and TC members.)
As a result, what appears to be a popular, widespread and organic
�movement� to �integrate� the hemisphere is, in reality, an entirely
contrived fa�ade, propped up by a relative handful of one-world
elitists, numbering no more than several hundred. Their advantage is
that they are very well organized, well funded, and strategically
placed in highly leveraged positions of power and influence.
In the remainder of this article we profile key members of this coterie
of Insiders who aim at nothing less than the destruction of our
freedom. The individuals described below represent a number of
different levels and functions in this perfidious plot against America.
David Rockefeller |
David Rockefeller
� No other individual comes close to matching the influence that David
Rockefeller has exerted over U.S.-Latin American relations � through
both Democratic and Republican administrations � over the past five
decades. And no other individual has been as instrumental in the
design, promotion and implementation of NAFTA, FTAA and other regional
schemes. In his April 23, 1992 address to the Forum of the Americas,
President George Bush (the elder) paid public homage to Rockefeller�s
key role, saying: �David, thank you, sir. And thank you for your really
vital work in rallying the private sector and congressional support for
the North American Free Trade Agreement.... And let me say to his many
friends here that David�s personal involvement has been a major factor
in the success we�ve enjoyed so far.� President Clinton, President
George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and U.S. Trade
Representative Robert Zoellick, likewise, have all publicly praised
Rockefeller as an indispensable force in the process of hemispheric
The 89-year-old Rockefeller has combined his family�s dynastic wealth
and business contacts with a formidable array of organizational power
bases at the global and hemispheric levels. He was founder and chairman
of the Council of the Americas, the Americas Society, and Forum of the
Americas, through which he has exercised enormous influence over the
thinking and policies of U.S. and Latin American business and political
elites. He founded the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American
Studies at Harvard University and has funded the Latin American studies
programs at many other institutions. As chairman of the Chase Manhattan
Bank, he has intertwined his business dealings with the operations of
the IMF, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and US AID. He has
also been one of the main voices on Wall Street for increasing U.S.
taxpayer funding for these globalist institutions.
In addition, Mr. Rockefeller is the founder and honorary chairman of
the Trilateral Commission, as well as a continuing power within the
Council on Foreign Relations (he was CFR chairman for 15 years) and a
major financial angel of the Institute for International Economics, all
of which have been at the forefront of the push to establish
sovereignty-eroding regional trade pacts.
At the end of World War II, Rockefeller was named secretary of a
special CFR study group headed by Charles M. Spofford to plan the
merger of Western Europe. That CFR plan became known as the Marshall
Plan, which was soon funneling millions of U.S. dollars to European
socialists and business leaders who would sell out their countries and
work to establish a supranational governing structure for Europe. The
Marshall Plan�s ostensible purpose, fighting Communism, was intended to
justify the cost to U.S. taxpayers.
The Common Market was formed as a supposed �free trade� pact and has,
by design, morphed into the European Union, a continental monstrosity
that is destroying what remains of its members� residual national
sovereignty and is rapidly being transformed into a socialist tyranny.
Mr. Rockefeller, the last living member of the CFR study group that
devised the EU scheme, has utilized the same ploys and deceptions that
worked so successfully in that long-running ruse to advance the
treasonous NAFTA-FTAA conspiracy here in the Americas.
Henry Kissinger |
Henry Kissinger
� In 1993, as NAFTA was about to be officially launched, Henry
Kissinger said of the trade agreement: �It will represent the most
creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries
since the end of the Cold War, and the first step toward an even larger
vision of a free-trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere.� NAFTA
�is not a conventional trade agreement,� he noted, �but the
architecture of a new international system.� Dr. Kissinger, a
high-level Insider and member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission,
knew that the trade agreement label was merely a deceptive cover story
to mask the truly treasonous intent of the document�s authors: to
destroy the national sovereignty of the United States and all other
countries of the Western Hemisphere.
Kissinger, who served as national security adviser to President Richard
Nixon and secretary of state under both Nixon and Ford, has turned his
career of treachery into an extremely lucrative business as one of the
highest paid consultants on the planet. His Kissinger Associates boasts
some of the world�s largest corporations as clients. His client list
also contains foreign governments, including Communist regimes with
which he is a most enthusiastic collaborator. In the new world order
envisioned by one-worlders like Kissinger, the United States would
gradually be transformed and merged with these regimes in a global
socialist state. That supranational state would be ruled by a superior
elite, of which he, no doubt, considers himself to be a prime exemplar.
Thomas F. McLarty III |
Thomas F. McLarty III
� Thomas �Mack� McLarty is probably best remembered as President Bill
Clinton�s White House counselor and chief of staff (1992-1994). He also
served as Clinton�s �special envoy to the Americas,� in which capacity
he was a key mover and shaker in the creation of NAFTA, FTAA and other
trade agreements. As a top factotum at the 1994 Miami Summit of the
Americas, McLarty offered an interesting � and under-reported �
perspective: �[T]his summit is much broader than [lowering tariffs],
and that�s how it should be looked at. This is not a trade summit, it
is an overall summit. It will focus on economic integration and
McLarty�s fellow globalists knew what that meant, but very few average,
loyal Americans saw this comment, or would have realized its
significance even if they had seen it. Most, probably, would not have
realized that this was a bald admission that the NAFTA/FTAA architects
were consciously working to torpedo our Constitution and our
Top one-world Insider Henry Kissinger was sufficiently impressed with
McLarty�s performance to offer him a coveted partnership in his
high-powered global consultant business and to name him president of
Kissinger McLarty Associates. McLarty is also a board member of
Rockefeller�s Council of the Americas and Inter-American Dialogue. He
is not only a member of the CFR but has been a leading participant in a
number of the council�s major events, such as its May 2000 conference
on Latin America and its 2001 press briefing on the Quebec Summit of
the Americas. In 2001 he also co-chaired the Carnegie Endowment panel
that recommended adoption of Mexican President Vicente Fox�s so-called
migration policies to do away with the U.S.-Mexico border.
Robert Zoellick |
Robert Zoellick
� As U.S. Trade Representative for President George W. Bush, Mr.
Zoellick has presided over the most active and aggressive push for
multilateral and bilateral trade agreements in U.S. history. Now in the
limelight, he was a lesser-known but major architect of the CFR trade
assault on U.S. sovereignty over the past two decades. He served as a
top lieutenant to James Baker III (CFR) in the Reagan and Bush
administrations, where he helped negotiate the NAFTA agreements, create
the WTO and lay the groundwork for the FTAA.
Zoellick�s board memberships, the Washington Post�s Steven Pearlstein
wrote in 2001, �read like the directory of the internationalist
establishment: the Council on Foreign Relations, the German Marshall
Fund, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Johns
Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, the Nixon Center for
Peace & Freedom, the Aspen Institute, and, naturally, the
Trilateral Commission.� In addition, noted Pearlstein, the U.S.�s top
trade guru �serves on advisory boards to the Pentagon and the CIA.� To
which we could also add his positions as director or adviser for the
European Institute, the Overseas Development Council and the Institute
for International Economics.
Robert Bartley |
Robert Bartley
� As editor of the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Bartley provided one of the
most powerful and strategic voices for the globalist onslaught against
America for three decades. Posing as a conservative free-market
Republican, Bartley used the news and editorial pages of the Journal to
promote neoconservative internationalists and to propagandize for
NAFTA, FTAA, WTO, IMF, World Bank and other globalist institutions and
programs. He once said �I think the nation-state is finished� � and he
did everything within his power to terminate our nationhood. A zealous
advocate for unrestricted immigration, he editorialized in favor of a
constitutional amendment that would state simply: �There shall be open
Bartley, who passed away in December 2003, was a member of the CFR and
Trilateral Commission, as well as a speaker at the annual World
Economic Forum and an attendee of the super-secretive Bilderberg
meetings. For more on Robert Bartley�s reign at the Wall Street
Journal, see �The Nation-State Is Finished,� in the February 23, 2004 issue of TNA.
Kenichi Ohmae |
Kenichi Ohmae
� When Wall Street Journal editor Robert Bartley made the startling
statement quoted above about the nation-state being finished, he also
commented that it was Kenichi Ohmae who had led him to that conclusion.
Dr. Ohmae received his Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from MIT, but he is
most famous for his best-selling books on business and economics and
his articles in the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review,
Foreign Policy and The Economist. Among the more than sixty books he
has authored are such paeans to one-worldism as The Borderless World
and The End of the Nation State: The Rise of Regional Economies. In his
1993 essay �The Rise of the Region State� for Foreign Affairs, the
house journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, Ohmae declared: �The
nation state has become an unnatural, even dysfunctional, unit for
organizing human activity and managing economic endeavor in a
borderless world.� Due to the eminence that has been bestowed on Ohmae
by the CFR opinion cartel, his works have succeeded in convincing many
that nationhood is indeed headed inevitably for extinction, to be
replaced by a new order of global governance.
Peter Hakim |
Peter Hakim
� As president of Inter-American Dialogue (IAD), Mr. Hakim frequently
testifies before Congress and appears on national television and in the
op-ed pages of major newspapers to expound on U.S.-Latin American
relations. He writes a regular column for the Christian Science Monitor
and provides essays on hemispheric affairs for the CFR journal, Foreign
Affairs. A former apparatchik for the revolutionary Ford Foundation in
Latin America, Hakim promotes the agenda of the Left for the U.S.
foreign policy Establishment, defending Fidel Castro�s Communist regime
and advocating U.S. normalization of relations with Cuba. He currently
serves on boards and advisory committees for the Foundation of the
Americas, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and
Human Rights Watch. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations
and frequently appears as a panelist or speaker on CFR programs.
George Soros |
George Soros
� One of the world�s wealthiest men, multi-billionaire currency
speculator George Soros has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into
radical and subversive causes throughout the world. His Soros
Foundations and Open Society Institute operate in more than 50
countries in Europe, Central Asia, Africa and Latin America, dispensing
funds for legalizing drugs, criminalizing private gun ownership, ending
the death penalty, and promoting the United Nations, foreign aid and
environmental extremism. While Soros claims to promote entrepreneurship
and free market reform in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,
his critics in those countries point out that his funding rarely goes
to genuine reformers. Instead, it seems invariably to go to �former�
members of the Communist nomenklatura who continue to dominate and
oppress their harried citizens.
It is not surprising then that Soros is a boon companion to former
Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev and was a top-billed player at
Gorbachev�s 2000 Millennium Summit in New York City. He is a member of
the Trilateral Commission and a director of the Institute for
International Economics. He is also a CFR director, and his Soros Fund
Management is a CFR corporate member, providing generous funding for
the globalist agenda. Soros has presided at CFR conferences, including
confabs on Latin America and the FTAA. Arminio Fraga, former president
of Brazil�s Central Bank and managing director of Soros Fund
Management, is a member of Inter-American Dialogue.
Soros is infamous for his devious (even criminal) use of these contacts
and insider information to destabilize foreign currencies and cause
gyrations that enable him to make enormous profits � while wiping out
the savings of millions of poor people from Indonesia to Peru. In 2000,
he funneled more than $1 million in illegal campaign contributions to
leftist Peruvian president and cocaine user Alejandro Toledo. Much of
that money was used to foment riots in Lima that left six dead and
hundreds injured, and caused millions of dollars of property damage.
Soros profited handsomely but continued to play the part of the
munificent philanthropist with his ill-gotten gains.
C. Fred Bergsten |
C. Fred Bergsten
� Over the past three decades, Bergsten, a former assistant secretary
of the U.S. Treasury, has been one of the most important architects of
U.S. and global economic policy. Upon leaving the Carter administration
in 1981, he took over as director of the newly founded Institute for
International Economics (IIE), largely the creation of David
Rockefeller (who continues to serve on the IIE board of directors). The
chairman of the IIE is Peter G. Peterson, who also chairs the CFR. Mr.
Bergsten is a director of the CFR as well as a member of the Trilateral
Martin Walker of The London Observer has described the IIE as maybe
�the most influential think-tank on the planet,� with an extraordinary
record for �turning ideas into effective policy.� Some of the ideas IIE
has turned into policy include NAFTA, the WTO, the FTAA and APEC (the
Asia-Pacific Economic Community). Bergsten is a leading economic
theoretician and propagandist for the new world order, having authored,
coauthored, or edited 29 books and hundreds of articles on a wide range
of international economic issues. He is assisted at IIE by a large
battery of globalist scholars, among whom IIE Senior Fellows Gary
Hufbauer (CFR) and Jeffrey Schott have been particularly important as
economic technicians and propagandists for the FTAA.
Alan Greenspan |
Alan Greenspan
� As chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, Mr. Greenspan
occupies one of the most powerful positions on the planet, capable of
creating or destroying fortunes with the most minute change of policy,
or sending global markets into a panic with a single utterance. He has
been one of the most influential advocates of NAFTA and the FTAA, and
has effectively used the prestige and power of his office to win
support for these schemes from much of the Republican Party leadership,
the U.S. business community, and the Latin American business and
political elites.
Mr. Greenspan is a longtime CFR member and a frequent attendee and
featured speaker at CFR events. He is also a former director (and
currently an honorary director) of the IIE. Other current and former
Federal Reserve officers also play key roles in a massive Insider push
for a hemispheric regional state. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul
Volcker (CFR, TC, IIE), New York Federal Reserve President William
McDonough (CFR director), New York Federal Reserve Chairman Peter G.
Peterson (CFR chairman), Chicago Federal Reserve Chairman Michael
Moskow (CFR director), and others have been active in lobbying for the
NAFTA-FTAA agenda among U.S. leaders as well as their central bank
counterparts in Latin America.
Roberto Mangabeira Unger |
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
� Although completely unknown to the American public, Professor Unger
is very well known among the movers and shakers in elite political,
economic and academic circles. He is a Brazilian and a radical Marxist
who has spent the last 30 years teaching and writing at Harvard
University�s Law School. He also teaches at Yale University and the
David Rockefeller Center for the Study of Latin America. Together with
Mexican Communist militant Jorge Casta�eda, Unger launched Latin
America Alternative, a coalition of leftist intellectuals and political
leaders. Unger became the mentor and ideological guru of Vicente Fox,
now president of Mexico, and Casta�eda became, for a time, Fox�s
foreign minister. Unger and Casta�eda are both active as featured
speakers at Insider forums sponsored by the COA, IAD, CFR, etc.
Casta�eda, who now teaches at New York University, was the honoree and
main speaker at the CFR�s �History Maker Series� program at the
council�s New York City headquarters on January 29, 2004.
Zbigniew Brzezinski |
Zbigniew Brzezinski
� In his 1970 book Between Two Ages, Columbia University Professor
Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR) proclaimed that the United States is
obsolete, that �national sovereignty is no longer a viable concept,�
and that world leaders must work toward gradual economic and political
�convergence� of nations, with the final aim being �the goal of world
government.� In 1972, while brainstorming at a Bilderberg conference,
David Rockefeller and Mr. Brzezinski decided to push forward the idea
of forming the Trilateral Commission to further this objective.
Rockefeller later recalled that he asked his Polish prot�g� to
�shepherd the effort� to create the elite new body of globalists from
three continents (Europe, Asia and North America � hence the
�Trilateral� designation). Brzezinski was appointed as the commission�s
first director. Subsequently, he was appointed to tutor Georgia
Governor Jimmy Carter in world affairs, and later became President
Carter�s national security adviser.
In his address to Mikhail Gorbachev�s 1995 State of the World Forum,
Brzezinski lamented that with only five years to the start of the new
millennium, �We do not have a new world order.� �We cannot leap into
world government in one quick step,� Brzezinski told his audience. Such
a lofty goal, he said, �requires a process of gradually expanding the
range of democratic cooperation as well as the range of personal and
national security, a widening, step by step, stone by stone, [of]
existing relatively narrow zones of stability in the world of security
and cooperation. In brief, the precondition for eventual globalization
� genuine globalization � is progressive regionalization, because
thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.�
(Emphasis added.) This describes precisely the gradualist regional
approach to global government proposed through the FTAA. Brzezinski
continues as a prominent advocate of this process in his books and
articles, in his lectures at the School of Advanced International
Studies at Johns Hopkins University, and in his continuing leadership
at the Trilateral Commission, CFR and other Insider institutions.
� 2004
http://www.stoptheftaa.org/ is a Campaign of
The John Birch
Society |